Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Core Erlang + "GS" = GUI version of the "Insertion Sort"

In this article, i got another popular sorting algorithm commonly known as the "Insertion Sort". Basically, this sort an example of (a) in-place , (b) comparison-sort .You may wish to consult your favourite algorithm texts or visit the Wikipedia (I've heard its rather unreliable but i'm not so sure why). Again like all my previous articles, there are two parts to this: (a) Non-graphical, (b) Graphical version.

Here's the codes:

Filename: "isort.erl"
-copyright('Copyright (c) 2007 Raymond Tay').
-vsn('$Revision: 1').
% The insertion sort is a good middle-of-the-road choice for sorting lists of
% a few thousand items or less. The algorithm is significantly simpler than
% the shell sort, with only a small trade off in efficiency. At the same time
% the insertion sort is over twice as fast as the bubble sort and almost 40%
% faster than the selection sort. The insertion sort shouldn't be used for
% sorting lists larger than a couple thousands items or repetitive sorting
%of lists larger than a couple hundred items
% insertionSort(array A)
% for i = 1 to length[A]-1 do
% value = A[i]
% j = i-1
% while j >= 0 and A[j] > value do
% A[j + 1] = A[j]
% j = j-1
% A[j+1] = value

genNum(N,N,L,F,Num) -> [F(Num),L];
genNum(I,N,L,F,Num) -> Val = F(Num), genNum(I+1,N,[Val,L],F,Num).

for(N,N,F,L) -> Val = lists:nth(N,L), J = N - 1,T = lists:nth(J,L), F(J,L,Val,T);
for(I,N,F,L) -> Val = lists:nth(I,L), J = I - 1,T = lists:nth(J,L), L2 = F(J,L,Val,T), for(I+1,N,F,L2).

checkNInsert(Index,L,Value,T) when Index >= 1 andalso T > Value ->
{L1,L2} = lists:split(Index,L),
[_H|T1] = L2,
Temp1 = lists:flatten(lists:append([L1],[T])),
Temp2 = lists:append(Temp1, T1),
Index - 1 /= 0 ->
NewVal = lists:nth(Index - 1, Temp2),
checkNInsert(Index - 1, Temp2, Value, NewVal);
Index - 1 =:= 0 ->
checkNInsert(Index - 1, Temp2, Value, Value)
checkNInsert(Index,L,Value,T) when Index =< 1 orelse T =< Value ->
{L1,L2} = lists:split(Index,L),
[_H|T1] = L2,

start(N) ->
L = lists:flatten(genNum(1,N,[],fun random:uniform/1, N)),
for(2, length(L), fun checkNInsert/4, L).

And next is for the graphical version

Filename: "isortgui.erl"
-copyright('Copyright (c) 2007 Raymond Tay').
-vsn('$Revision: 1').
% The insertion sort is a good middle-of-the-road choice for sorting lists of
% a few thousand items or less. The algorithm is significantly simpler than
% the shell sort, with only a small trade off in efficiency. At the same time
% the insertion sort is over twice as fast as the bubble sort and almost 40%
% faster than the selection sort. The insertion sort shouldn't be used for
% sorting lists larger than a couple thousands items or repetitive sorting
% of lists larger than a couple hundred items
% insertionSort(array A)
% for i = 1 to length[A]-1 do
% value = A[i]
% j = i-1
% while j >= 0 and A[j] > value do
% A[j + 1] = A[j]
% j = j-1
% A[j+1] = value
forL(N,N,{stretch,_N,_X}) -> [{stretch,_N,_X}];
forL(I,N,{stretch,_N,_X}) -> [{stretch,_N,_X}|forL(I+1,N,{stretch,_N,_X})].

for(N,N,F,L) -> {_,Val} = gs:read(dict:fetch({1,N},L),label), J = N - 1, {_,T} = gs:read(dict:fetch({1,J},L),label), {Val1,_} = string:to_integer(Val), {T1,_} = string:to_integer(T),F(J,L,Val1,T1);
for(I,N,F,L) -> {_,Val} = gs:read(dict:fetch({1,I},L),label), J = I - 1, {_,T} = gs:read(dict:fetch({1,J},L),label), {Val1,_} = string:to_integer(Val), {T1,_} = string:to_integer(T), D2 = F(J,L,Val1,T1), for(I+1,N,F,D2).

checkNInsert(Index,L,Value,T) when Index >= 1 andalso T > Value ->
ButId = dict:fetch({1,Index+1},L),
gs:config(ButId, [{label, {text, T}}]),
gs:config(ButId, [flash]),
Index - 1 =:= 0 -> checkNInsert(0,L,Value,Value);
Index - 1 /= 0 ->
{_,Val} = gs:read(dict:fetch({1,Index -1},L),label),
{Val1,_} = string:to_integer(Val),
Val1 =< Value -> checkNInsert(Index - 1, L, Value, Value);
Val1 > Value -> checkNInsert(Index - 1, L, Value, Val1)
checkNInsert(Index,L,Value,T) when Index =:= 0 orelse T =< Value ->
ButId = dict:fetch({1,Index+1},L),
gs:config(ButId, [{label, {text, Value}}]),
gs:config(ButId, [flash]),

isort(Dict) ->
for(2, 50, fun checkNInsert/4, Dict). % Sort it for 2-to-<number of columns in GUI>

start() ->
D = dict:new(),
WH = [{width, 1000}, {height, 50}],
Win = gs:window(gs:start(), [{map, true}, {configure, true}, {title, "Insertion-Sort Algorithm"} |WH]),
XOpts = forL(1,50,{stretch,1,20}),
YOpts = [{stretch,1,20}],
gs:frame(packer, Win, [{packer_x, XOpts}, {packer_y, YOpts}]),
NewD = genBut(1,1,D),
io:format("algo done~n",[]),
% Generate the "button" GUI objects
genBut(Row,Col,Dict) when Col =< 50 ->
ButId = gs:button(packer, [{label, {text, random:uniform(50)}}, {pack_xy, {Col,Row}}]),
NewDict = dict:store({Row,Col}, ButId, Dict), % used later for GUI manipulation
genBut(Row,Col,Dict) when Col > 50 -> Dict.

% Pretty standard GUI-event loop
loop() ->
{gs,_Id,destroy,_Data,_Arg} -> bye;
{gs,_Id,configure,_Data,[W,H|_]} ->
gs:config(packer, [{width,W}, {height,H}]), %refresh to initial size
_Other -> loop()
% Pretty standard "sleep" function
sleep(T) ->
after T -> ok

% Dump the dictionary
dumpDict(D) ->
Keys = lists:sort(dict:fetch_keys(D)),
lists:foreach( fun({R,C}) -> Val = gs:read(dict:fetch({R,C},D),label), io:format("{~p,~p}->~p~n", [R,C,Val]) end, Keys).
While the algorithm is executing, you will notice that the buttons will flash every time it detects a re-positioning is required. Here is a screen shot and do let me know if you have any comments, it would be much appreciated; that applies to ideas as well :-)

1 comment:

HeavensRevenge said...

Heres your reason of an Insertion sort, even if in Java, Erlang has the same process.